Coded Logic
JoinedPosts by Coded Logic
Hey Simon
by ShirleyW ini'm noticing that when i open quite a few of the posts here i notice that the end of the sentences on some lines are breaking improperly.
like for the word paragraph, it's broken up with the "aph" on the next line for an example.
it's happening a lot i'm seeing it just about in every post i open, is it just my view and my computer?.
Coded Logic
I use chrome. I see it happening every once in awhile. -
The Monsters the WTBTS Created
by Coded Logic ingrowing up, the jws at the kingdom hall taught me that perfection is the only standard via which things can ever be measured.
"well yeah modern medicine is great - but it's pointless because they can't save everyone.
and they can't stop people from dying.
Coded Logic
Growing up, the JWs at the Kingdom Hall taught me that perfection is the only standard via which things can ever be measured. "Well yeah modern medicine is great - but it's pointless because they can't save EVERYONE. And they can't stop people from dying." - "The UN is utterly pointless because wars still happen . . . it doesn't matter how many wars they've prevented from happening." - "World leaders may have good intentions . . . but they can't fix everything they want too so, in the end, it's pointless to even care about them." etc. etc. etc.
Simultaneously, they manage to exercise breathtaking arrogance, "Oh don't mind us . . . we're just on a divine mission from God and busy fulfilling prophecy and all . . ."
But whenever someone points out they're not curing anyone any better than the doctors, or making any better on their promises than the World Leaders, or that they're not solving world issues any better than the United Nations - they cry foul. Special pleading - "But we're God's organisation (bought and paid for by you) and anyone who criticizes us is blind and stupid and mentally diseasesed . . ."
But what do they expect? They're the ones who created us critical little bastards. They're the ones who created us critical little Monsters :p
The difference is most doctors, world leaders, and the United Nations don't claim to be on a mission from God or be "beyond reproach". However, the Society does make such grand claims for itself.
They are worthy of being held to the standard they claim they uphold. It's not like we're extra critical of them simply because we're X-JWs. Rather, it's because they're so damned self righteous in the first place and they can't possibly live up to the standards they insist everyone else live up to.
Bible popularity??
by Diogenesister inmore ikea catalogues were printed last year than bibles.. ikea is a swedish flatpack furniture store..
Coded Logic
In 2013 Ikea published 208 million catalogs (62 different versions in 43 countries) - more than double the amount of Bibles produced:
Is Warwick still being built?
by Coded Logic indoes anyone know if this new freeze on all construction projects includes the new headquarters being built in warwick?.
if it does apply to it, then this really makes no sense whatsoever.
the society is poised to make hundreds of millions of dollars (perhaps even a billion) by selling the properties they currently occupy in brooklyn.
Coded Logic
Does anyone know if this new freeze on all construction projects includes the new headquarters being built in Warwick?
If it does apply to it, then this really makes no sense whatsoever. The Society is poised to make hundreds of millions of dollars (perhaps even a billion) by selling the properties they currently occupy in Brooklyn. But they can't do that if they don't move to Warwick. Wouldn't it be MORE costly to not build? Am I missing something here? How much is Warwick going to cost that they couldn't complete it?
"For which one of you, when he wants to build a tower, does not first sit down and calculate the cost to see if he has enough to complete it?29"Otherwise, when he has laid a foundation and is not able to finish, all who observe it begin to ridicule him, 30saying, 'This man began to build and was not able to finish.'…
- Jesus (Luke 14) -
Did Adam and Eve have Leukaemia?
by notsurewheretogo in
a 7,000 year old skeleton has been found with leukaemia...7,000 years is nearly the age of our first ever parents adam & eve is it not?.
so is this skeleton eve?.
Coded Logic
Well it's 7,000 years old and not 6,000 years old - so the skeleton is clearly a satanic apostate lie created by evil scientists who forged the skeleton from babies they killed in their human sacrifices to Lucifer so they could try and deny the Bible. It's just all too obvious. -
'Sting' Videos Of Planned Parenthood Are Totally Manipulated, Forensic Analysis Finds
by Coded Logic in'sting' videos of planned parenthood are totally manipulated, forensic analysis finds.
i find it truly amazing that our good friend perry makes a huge deal out of this when he thinks he's finally found some footing to stand on and desperately tries to throw it in our faces - but when it's completely debunked he suddenly goes silent.
Coded Logic
'Sting' Videos Of Planned Parenthood Are Totally Manipulated, Forensic Analysis Finds
I find it truly amazing that our good friend Perry makes a huge deal out of this when he thinks he's finally found some footing to stand on and desperately tries to throw it in our faces - but when it's completely debunked he suddenly goes silent. As usual, it's once again crickets from Perry.
Someone should really start a meme.
Funny how "Christian honesty" only goes as far as confirming preconceived bias - but completely ignores anything that's counter to the belief.
EXACTLY Why JW's Are NOT Christian
by Perry ina lot of people, ex-jws, believers and unbelievers alike, think that jw's are just a somewhat kooky brand of christianity.
is it possible to "try and follow jesus" and not be christian?
what exactly makes someone a christian?
Coded Logic
By Perry's definition, Peter and Paul would not be true Christians. They taught that only patriarchs could have a relationship with Jesus and that all members of their household needed to go through them. -
The Watchtower Corporation Ability To Survive In A Changing Society Following The Edicts Of A Bronze Age Moral Code
by Brokeback Watchtower inwhat are the negative and positives of this whole affair.
will they be able to make some positive changes that will insure their survival for say 5 decades?
will they survive the public scrutiny that the information age has brought upon us?
Coded Logic
What do you mean by "survive"? Are you talking about every kingdom hall sold off the head quarters boarded up? Or do you mean they wont be able to continue their growth? Or do you mean that the Organization will become so different and change so much that we wont be able to recognize it anymore outside of its name?
The Borg's growth has been contracting more and more and I don't think it will be long until they start posting some negative numbers. I think in two or three decades they will be as different an organization as from the one they were in the forties to now. But I doubt the brand will entirely disappear. They will just continue playing a more and more marginalized role as less and less people pay attention to them.
Jehovah's people are the happiest people on earth!
by Coded Logic inso this afternoon my roommate and i decided to go grab some dinner from the local chipotle and, as we live only a short distance from the franchise, we decided it was a good idea to walk.
little did i know that the j-dubs district convention here in sacramento was just getting out (the auditorium is literally smack in the middle of downtown and its attendees have to park in garages scattered a couple blocks away in every direction) so men in cheap suits and women in unflattering dress' were walking all over the place as though someone had antagonized their ungodly ant hill.
and, for sacramento, this of course is the complete opposite of the normative - that is to say, our streets are usually filled with well dressed, immaculately groomed, 'i know exactly where i'm going' government officials that monopolize the state capitol m-f. .
Coded Logic
So this afternoon my roommate and I decided to go grab some dinner from the local Chipotle and, as we live only a short distance from the franchise, we decided it was a good idea to walk. Little did I know that the J-dubs district convention here in Sacramento was just getting out (the auditorium is literally smack in the middle of downtown and its attendees have to park in garages scattered a couple blocks away in every direction) so men in cheap suits and women in unflattering dress' were walking all over the place as though someone had antagonized their ungodly ant hill. And, for Sacramento, this of course is the complete opposite of the normative - that is to say, our streets are usually filled with well dressed, immaculately groomed, 'I know exactly where I'm going' government officials that monopolize the state capitol M-F.
However, the greatest difference between the JWs and the locals was that the JWs looked absolutely miserable. I mean genuinely beat down and completely drained of all life. I felt really sorry for them (I know what three days of mental atrophy can do to a person's mind) and I thought that perhaps I was just reading too much into their sullen faces - and hunched postures - and slow, mindless, collective shuffling. However, it was then that my roommate piped up and asked me, "Are those Jehovah's Witnesses?"
I said yes and he said, "Oh my God, they look so miserable!"
I explained to him the effects that a weekend of nonstop - eye bleeding - thought stifling indoctrination with an extra helping of al-a-boredom can have on these poor people. And also how the JWs have a kindergarten grade theology compared to most Christian denominations so that, beyond "go out in service, don't miss meetings, and read everything the borg gives you (and nothing else)", there really isn't anything new under the sun for these people to learn.
Also, by a stroke of luck, I happened to be wearing my shirt with a quote from Christopher Hitchens, "That which can be asserted without evidence - can be dismissed without evidence."
I caught a number of the JWs reading it with bemused faces. One younger guy must have spent almost a full two minutes silently lipping the words to himself as though it were a completely foreign idea to him. Who knows, maybe it'll get him to think about things in a new light. That just because you can make up an answer to a question it doesn't mean that IS the answer to the question. That just because you can make up an elaborate excuse for why some Bible passages may not contradict itself it doesn't mean that it's not in fact a contradiction.
Anyway between my shirt, my burrito anticipating happy face, and the directions I gave to a lost sister who was on K Street and couldn't find L Street (seriously, do you not know how the alphabet works?), I hope some of them realize that not all "worldly people" are bad people. And that happiness is not unique to - if not altogether uncommon - among Jehovah's Witnesses.
Geoffrey Jackson Royal Commission update
by umbertoecho inhello people.
the rc will still go ahead with it's live stream on friday 14th august.
however, it seem that it will be a video link.
Coded Logic
OMG it's like Angus has been reading our threads! He's bringing up circumstantial evidence and "opportunity" for people to commit sins.